
Key features of Automation Testing

Automation testing is a software testing technique that involves the use of software tools to execute test cases and verify the results automatically. It is widely used to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of software testing. In this article, we will discuss the key features of automation testing in 1000 words. In conclusion, automation testing…

How to perform business acceptance testing?

Business Acceptance Testing (BAT) is a process of verifying that a software application meets the requirements and expectations of the business stakeholders. BAT is typically performed towards the end of the software development life cycle (SDLC) and is designed to ensure that the application meets the business goals and objectives. Here are the steps to…

Database Testing

Database testing is composed of constructing SQL queries to make sure different database operations, structures, and attributes required by the application works well without breaking the integrity of the application. It also depends on what is the goal for database testing. If the goal of the database testing is to make sure that the database works well…

Black box and white box testing

Black Box Testing is a software testing method in which the internal structure, design, implementation of the item being tested is NOT known to the tester. In this sort of testing testers mainly focuses on the functionality of the system. Tester basically test and don’t need the technical details and just focus on the functionality…

User Onboarding

“Onboarding isn’t about installing  training wheels, it’s about getting  people to ride without them.” – By Samuel Hulick User Onboarding is a process that starts from the very first welcome email  & first run experience, and can span over several months (depending on the  product) to keep the customer continue using your SaaS app and…

Website Prototypes

Prototypes are simulations, models if you will of the finished product will work. They let you experience how the application flows, how its interactions work and test the usability and feasibility of your designs. Hence, the main idea behind the prototyping is making initial users and stakeholders more informed about the product by demonstrating all…

Considerations for developing Mobile Web pages

Developing website for mobile devices requires responsive design. There should be many considerations and best practices that needs to be considered. It range from consideration of small screen for mobile device to the slow bandwidth when the WiFi are not available for the phones. Some of the considerations to keep in mid for the best…

Human Factors Engineering

Interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary field concerned with the interaction between people and the technical and built world around them. •Some areas of concern to human factors engineers: –UI/UX  engineering the user experience –Decision making –Product design –Human performance –Human movement and control of action –Communication –Automation –Safety –Human error –Teamwork –and more . . . •Includes…

What are Design Prototypes?

● Prototypes are simulations, models if you will of the finished product will work. ● They let you experience how the application flows, how its interactions work and test the usability and feasibility of your designs. • Prototyping are used to understand user requirements before creating website to make sure we understand what users want?…


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